Sunil Arora, M.D.

Accepts: Medicare, Medi-Cal, PPOs, and most other insurance plans.
Education: New Delhi, India
Internship: John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County Chicago, Illinois
Residency: John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County Chicago, Illinois
Board Certified:
American Board of Internal Medicine
American Board of Pulmonary Disease
American Board of Critical Care
American Board of Sleep Medicine
Civil Surgeon designated by US Citizen and Immigration Services

- Managing Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Asthma
- Back Pain
- Bronchitis
- Chest Pain
- Headaches
- Shortness of Breath
- Emphysema
- Immigration physicals
- Urinary Problems
- Pulmonary artery hypertension
- Digestive Problems
- Snoring
- Stroke
- Sleep Apnea
- Cardiac Disease
- Ultrasounds, heart, thyroid, liver, ovaries, kidneys
- COVID-19 and Monkeypox vaccines

Accepts IEHP and Molina Healthcare
Care Philosophy

Dr. Sunil Arora believes that each patient is a unique individual with their own special needs and concerns. Dr. Sunil Arora is committed to high-quality care personalized to your needs. Your health and satisfaction is his goal. Illness has three components: Physical, mental and spiritual. By addressing all three components, that is, physical, mental and spiritual: maximum and rapid healing occurs. Dr. Arora believes that company is stronger than will power. It is important to be around people that inspire and motivate us. Prayer is a very important part of the healing process. Forgiveness helps in healing ourselves. What we do to others, we do to ourselves. We are all connected.
Two oaths that I endeavor to follow:
Hippocratic Oath – “Do no Harm” – as well as the Oath of Maimonides, the 12th century physician, philosopher and Torah scholar.
Oath of Maimonides: “The eternal providence has appointed me to watch over the life and health of Thy creatures. May the love for my art actuate me at all times; may neither avarice nor miserliness, nor thirst for glory or for a great reputation engage my mind”.
Hurt: We can hurt each other by our thoughts, words and actions. This hurt causes negative energy to be stored up. This negative energy crystallizes into physical, mental and spiritual disease. In my medical practice, I find that this is a very common scenario.
We can dissipate this negative energy by forgiveness.
Three categories of forgiveness:
Forgiving others for hurting us with their thoughts, words or actions.
Forgiving ourselves for hurting others with our thoughts, words or actions.
Forgiving ourselves for hurting ourselves with our thoughts, words or actions.
Forgiving leads to dissipation of the hurt and the accompanying negative energy. This leads to healing of physical, mental and spiritual disease.

Healing: Each of us has an inherent power to heal ourselves. Living a healthy lifestyle includes eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Eating fresh fruits, vegetables and decreasing animal meat intake goes a long way in the healing process. The Sun has healing power. We need sunlight on a daily basis. Looking at the stars at night even for a short time is very helpful. Hatha yoga keeps the body healthy, calms the mind and reduces stress. Hatha yoga is not like any other exercise. Hatha yoga has a spiritual aspect. Mindfulness changes the brain structure and function in a beneficial manner. Mindfulness improves memory and concentration. Mindfulness is anti-aging. It's Eliminating negative thought patterns are essential in the healing process.
Criticism and complaining are enemies of the healing process. They are both cancers. The criticism cancer and the complaining cancer. Let us get rid of both now! Forgiving other and ourselves is required for complete healing. Prayer has the power to heal. All religions have the power to heal. The power of prayer is directly proportional to faith. Receptivity to the healing power is also necessary for healing to occur. Let us use medications and other Western medicine treatments with all the other methods of healing ourselves.

Dr. Arora treats diabetes, hypertension, pulmonary diseases, sleep disorders, dementia, stroke, and hospice. Dr. Arora also does physicals. Patients who have shortness of breath receives pulmonary function testing. These tests help measure lung volumes, air flow rates and diffusion capacity of the lungs.
Patients with sleep disorders should receive a sleep study. The sleep study helps diagnose the cause of the sleep condition. Patients with abnormal shadows on their X-rays receive high-resolution cat scans of the chest.
Dr. Arora treats asthma. These patients are taught correct use of metered dose inhalers, peak flow meters. The peak flow meter helps patients with asthma monitor their own disease. Dr. Arora treats smokers and helps them quit smoking if they want to with medications and mindfulness.
Immigration Physicals: Same day appointments available for quick Green Card physicals. Call now. Your convenience and time is very important. We will make it easy for you.
Ultrasound: Walk ins are usually accepted. Ultrasound of the heart- echocardiogram to diagnose congestive heart failure or valve disease. Ultrasound of the liver to diagnose liver disease. Ultrasound of the kidneys, thyroid, aorta, leg veins, carotid arteries.
Pulmonary artery hypertension: Medications are available now to help diagnose and treat. This disease is undertreated. Very few physicians are treating this condition. Get diagnosed as soon as possible.
Mindfulness: Dr. Arora teaches mindfulness to treat insomnia, anxiety, low energy, improve concentration and general well-being. Mindfulness is easy to learn. It improves relationships.
Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome: Patients with obesity hypoventilation syndrome and high carbon dioxide levels can benefit from non invasive ventilation. Our office evaluates patients for this treatment.
COPD patients: Patients with COPD and high carbon dioxide levels can benefit from non invasive ventilation. Our office evaluates patients for this equipment.
CPAP users:< It is important to have a CPAP device that provides objective evidence of use and measures the percentage of air leaks. This information is important to help treat obstructive sleep apnea effectively. If your device does not have this capability, contact your physician or DME provider. The older devices did not have this capability.
Leaks can be caused by a poorly fitting mask, mouth opening, or mask dislodgement. Until the mask leak is addressed, the device cannot work effectively.
Asthma: Remember to ask your doctor to show you how to correctly use your inhaler. Using the correct technique improves the amount of drug delivered to the lower airways. It is important to inhale slowly when using the inhaler as this allows the medication to reach the lower airways. Inhaling quickly causes the medication to get deposited in the upper airway, thereby wasting the medication and producing unnecessary side effects.
Also remember to get a peak flow meter. Peak flow meter tells one about the diameter of the airways. It is very useful. It will lower your chances to get an exacerbation, if the test results are treated proactively.
Diabetes: The cornerstone of treatment is diet and exercise. The diabetes medications is not the first line of defense. It is worthwhile for every diabetic to use their time and effort to develop expertise in diet. There is a wealth of information online regarding diet. It is better not to rely on anyone but yourself to develop this expertise. This time and effort pays huge dividends. Do you know if you have dawn phenomena? Let us talk about this. Is your diabetes due to insulin resistance or is it Type 1.5. Let us find out and treat you effectively.
Monkey Pox Vaccination: Our staff has the Monkey Pox vaccine available for individuals 18 years of age or older