Relaxation techniques often can help people with sleep problems get a good night’s sleep. Here is a tested technique for progressive relaxation
- Lie on your back, with eyes closed but gently turned upward.
- Slowly tense, then completely relax all your body parts.
- Begin with your feet.
- Your calves.
- Thighs.
- Buttocks.
- Slowly tense, then completely relax your lower abdomen.
- Stomach.
- Slowly clench your hands, then completely relax them.
- Tense and relax your upper arms.
- Your chest.
- Your throat.
- Tense and relax your head. Feel the muscles around your mouth, to be sure they are relaxed.
- Squeeze your eyelids, then relax them completely.
- Now, mentally scan your body. If you find muscles that are still tense, fully tense them, then completely relax them.
- Slowly take a full breath in, counting as you inhale. When your lungs are filled, hold your breath for the same count, then slowly exhale for the same count.
- Repeat this breathing exercise six times.
- Again, scan your body for any tension, then relax those muscles.
- Simply let go of any thoughts that come into your mind. They will keep coming, but keep letting them go.
- If you still feel restless, repeat the breathing exercise, and scan your body for tension.