- Dr. Sunil Arora will do a lung function test at the office. This will help to correctly know what is the problem with the lungs.
It is for those with shortness of breath, or decreased exercise capacity.
If a person is unable to walk far distances because of shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing, or chest tightness or wheezing, a lung function test will be done. This will help point to the right medical treatment for you.
- Spirometry is a type of lung function test that measures how much air you breathe out. It also measures how fast you can blow air out.
- During the test, a technician will ask you to take a deep breath in. Then, you’ll blow as hard as you can into a tube connected to a small machine. The machine is called a spirometer. Your healthcare team may have you inhale, or breathe in, medicine that helps open your airways and then blow into the tube again. They can then compare your test results before and after taking the medicine. Some people feel lightheaded or tired from the required breathing effort.

Lung volume test
- A lung volume test is a type of lung function test that measures how much air your lungs can hold.
- Lung volume tests are the most accurate way to measure the volume of air in the lungs. It is similar to spirometry, except that you will be in a small room with clear walls. Or, you may breathe a special mixture of gases for a few minutes while wearing a clip on your nose. Some people feel lightheaded or tired fro the breathing effort.
Lung diffusion capacity test
- A lung diffusion capacity test assesses how well oxygen gets
into the blood from the air you breathe. - For this test, you will breathe in and out through a tube
for several minutes without having to breathe intensely. You also may need to
have blood drawn to measure the level of hemoglobin in your blood. The above tests are done in the office

How do I prepare for lung diffusion testing?
Your provider might give you instructions on how to prepare for a DLCO test. They could include:
- Don’t smoke four to six hours before the test.
- Don’t use supplemental oxygen 15 minutes before the test (only if you’re able to safely).
- Don’t exercise right before the test.
- Other instructions about adjusting meals or how you take medications (for instance, not eating certain things or taking certain medications before the test).

Chest CT scan
- A chest computed tomography (CT) scan is a painless imaging test that takes many detailed pictures, called slices, of your lungs and the inside of your chest. Computers can combine these pictures to create three-dimensional (3D) models that show the size, shape, and position of your lungs and the structures in your chest.
- A chest CT scan can help figure out the cause of lung symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest pain. It can also tell your healthcare provider if you have certain lung problems, such as a tumor, excess fluid around the lungs that is known as pleural effusion, or pneumonia.
- Your chest CT scan may be done in a medical imaging facility or hospital. You will lie still on a table and the table will slide into the scanner. You will hear soft buzzing or clicking sounds when you are inside the scanner and the scanner is taking pictures. You will be able to hear and talk to the technician performing the test while you are inside the scanner. For some diagnoses, a contrast dye, often iodine-based, may be injected into a vein in your arm before the imaging test.